SiegMUN 2012


On the behalf of the SiegMUN 2012 Staff, I hereby warmly welcome you to the official homepage of the third SiegMUN conference.


First of all, I would like to introduce myself: My name is Luan Ngo and as the Secretary General of the third SiegMUN I am in charge of the chairing panel.

The SiegMUN project has a special meaning to me because this is where my MUN career began. The previous SiegMUN in autumn 2011 was my first conference, where I represented South Korea in the Economic and Social committee, and made a huge impact on me.

In the following year I was involved in several other conferences:

In the beginning of 2012 I went to a PrepMUN in Paderborn, representing Sweden in the General Assembly, and found myself three months later in the Human Rights Council of the NMUN New York, representing Mauritania.

At the end of April, two weeks after the NMUN New York, I went to Vilnius, Lithuania to be the Chair and President of the General Assembly of the very first international LTMUN.

My last conference was in June. I represented the United States of America in the Human Rights Council of PaderMUN 2012.

Now, that the next SiegMUN is approaching, I cannot do anything else but reminisce and tell you that it was a wonderful trip, which made me grow as a person.

The SiegMUN conference is a conference, where both high schools and universities are invited to. With this beginner-friendly conference, we try to introduce the participants to the complex topics of international politics in an interactive manner, giving everyone the chance to participate.

Leadership, negotiation, debating and presentation skills, management of responsibility and time and my favorite point: the promotion of mutual understanding. These are just a few among many things you will be taking home, leaving aside the new friends you will make.

I wholeheartedly invite you to the SiegMUN 2012 from November ... All the necessary information can be found on this homepage. If you still have questions, please do not hesitate to contact us via Email.

I hope we see each other in November and may the fascination that caught me, catch you as well.


Best regards,

Luan Ngo